How To
Monday, December 16, 2024

A Practical Guide to Self-Publishing on Amazon

December 16, 2024

Are you wondering how to publish your story online? Here is your guide to self-publish a book on Amazon and how StoryTerrace can help.

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“As kids, we didn't know why our parents made us walk together, it was only when we got to school that we saw the name-calling and the jokes, and realized that we were different and that we were going to have to learn to defend ourselves or just take it,” dasdas

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim videsigns webflow agency minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.

When other schools played us, it was a shock, especially because there were black kids in the chess team. He told us that it was a middle-class game, but that we need to take our working-class values, and work hard, strive hard, and not be intimidated. We did it.The hostility wasn't obvious, but I would be stared at by the students and the teachers.You could tell that it was the first time that some of them had even shaken a Black boy's hand.

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Has it been your dream to write a book or tell a story? It can be a reality all too soon. Today, we will tell you how to publish a book on Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) platform. Self-publishing a book has never been this easy. From manuscript to published book, Amazon’s KDP supports you in reaching a global audience. You can skip the complex and overwhelming process of traditional publishing. If you are unsure where to start, this guide will walk you through and give you plenty of self-publishing tips for authors.

Self-publish vs Traditional publish

Before we delve into the important question of how to publish with Amazon, a self-publishing option, let’s look at the alternative: traditional publishing. Imagine this: you have a written manuscript ready for publishing. You find a literary agent or approach the publisher directly. They take a look at your manuscript and immediately make an offer. A book editor is assigned while the PR and marketing team gets busy with launching the book. Your book is a roaring success; you make plenty of money from royalties. Though that would be the ideal scenario, it rarely happens, so we cannot stress much about the rare bit.

Literary agents and publishers are busy. They receive thousands of manuscripts, which can sometimes take them years to read. Your manuscript can get lost in the pile as you wait to hear back from them. Even if your book gets picked up by a big or small press, the hurdles are far from over. Traditional publishers keep their share in the royalty margin relatively high. You may lose your voice in marketing and launching your book as the publishers take over.

If you are not ready to face this uncertainty, you can take control with self-publishing. If you wish to publish your book online or even have it as a paperback, self-publishing gives you complete control. You can choose who publishes your book and when. Even though you can do the marketing and promotion of your book all by yourself, you still have the option of getting all the help you may need. If you choose Amazon KDP as your self-publishing partner, you can publish your book in as little as 24 to 72 hours.


Pros and cons of self-publishing on Amazon

Many authors are choosing KDP over traditional publishing. Kindle Direct Publishing has become very popular with authors. This growing popularity is attributed to several factors. Authors prefer to self-publish a book on Amazon because KDP is user-friendly. Enough resources and help are available to navigate the system, making it an easy choice. Self-publishing is a costly way of publishing your book. However, you can publish your book on Amazon for free. Irrespective of your financial condition, you can be a published author. You will also have the option of having only eBooks or paperback and eBooks. Thus, you get more flexibility in the type of book you want to create.

Unfortunately, Amazon’s KDP might not be the best option for all types of authors. Self-publishing on Amazon has some drawbacks. Many new authors do not want to wait for the 60-day payment window for their royalties.

Writing and publishing a book is not enough for it to sell. You will need help to let people know about your book. Amazon does not offer any built-in marketing support. Your book can only be reviewed by paid customers, so fewer people will review it, which may affect its popularity. If you publish an eBook with Amazon, the same book cannot be published on any other platform. This exclusivity can negatively impact book sales.

Nothing is perfect. True self-publishing with Amazon has its challenges, but there are many ways to overcome them. There are many services that can help you use Amazon for publishing and help you make the most out of it in your self-publishing journey.

Preparing the manuscript

The first and most important step to publishing is, of course, writing the story. After the draft is ready, it is crucial that you carefully read it. For additional support, you can hire a proofreader or an editor. Please be mindful of fonts, margins, and other such details when formatting. EPUB or MOBI make formatting easier. Other software to consider is Scrivener, Vellum, or Reedsy Book Editor. Books are mostly judged by their covers; hence, a clever design will positively impact buying decisions. Use design tools like Canva and Adobe or hire a specialist through Fiverr or Upwork.

After all the writing, editing, and cover design planning, get some feedback on your manuscript. Ask a friend or a family member, someone whom you trust, to give their honest opinion about your book. As a writer, you may fail to see certain shortcomings, but a reader will always find them. Reading your book will give you a clear idea of how it will be received. Implement the suggestions and see how you can improve the writing.

Setting Up and uploading your KDP Account

After all of the changes, your story is ready to be a published book. If you already have an Amazon account, you can use it to set up KDP. If you are new to Amazon, you can set up your account directly by clicking on KDP sign-up. You will need to fill out author, tax and payment-related information. Uploading a book is quite easy on Amazon KDP. You can watch Amazon KDP tutorials for an Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) guide if you struggle to upload.

Pricing and Royalties

You must be feeling the book writing process was easier than the next steps. They may not be very writer-friendly, but KDP does make it simple. Self-publishing on Amazon also involves setting the prices for your work. Considering certain factors when fixing your price may be a good idea. There are 35% or 70% options for royalties. Amazon has some rules for the latter one. You must give exclusive sales rights, and Amazon will set the price. If you have a print book, you can not set a price that does not meet your printing cost! Considering that and other factors like ink type, trim size, page count, and the marketplace for sale, KDP gives you a price. Use the KDP Printing cost and Royalty calculator to see the best price. In some marketplaces, an additional Value-Added Tax is required when setting a minimum price.

When setting a price, consider how your competitors are pricing. Do not be tempted to set a lower price, as books with lower pricing are often viewed as of lower value. If you hand over Amazon to sell your eBook exclusively, you may miss out on opportunities to reach a broader market. If you are unsure how to reach a greater audience, KDP Select can be a great option, as Amazon will recommend your books to potential buyers.

There are so many successful authors on KDP who have made significant profits. Jeff Carson, author of the best-selling David Wolf series, said, “I was able to quit my side job after publishing five books, and I continue to make a living by writing alone. I am frequently making best-seller lists with my main series, and each new book has done better than the last one.”

Did you know that self-published authors on Amazon make between $150 and $20,000 per month? Books published in series make the most for the authors as it works best.

Publishing and Book Launch

The wheels are set in motion. Your dream of becoming a published author is going to be a reality. Do not forget to preview your book using KDP’s preview tool. It gives you a glimpse of what the readers will receive when they purchase the book. Make a final check that all the requirements have been met. Once you hit the publish button, get ready for a launching strategy.

If you have an audience, you can contact them through a mailing list. You can share a few free copies and request reviews. Many authors choose a special day to commemorate their book launch. It can be an excellent opportunity to create excitement about the book. You can even throw a launch party for your friends and family. There are many ways to market your book effectively. The best way depends on you and your book.

The best thing about self-publishing with KDP is that Amazon offers specific promotion tools, like the KDP countdown tool. There are many resources on Amazon to help you promote your book. Leverage your social media presence to attract more buyers. Share about your experience and motivation for writing the book. If you already have a website, create space for an author bio. Talk about exciting details about the book. Engage with your readers and encourage them to share their reviews on social media.

Do you have a favourite book blogger or YouTuber? Why not reach out to them? Many influencers are willing to promote new talent. If your chosen influencer has many followers, your book can go viral. It is best to choose someone who is interested in your book genre. They should be genuinely interested in your book. There is nothing like an authentic presentation for organic growth. Discuss with the influencer how you can mutually benefit each other for a long collaboration. 

Look at other books in your genre. What is working for them? How can you incorporate that in your strategy? Asking many questions and taking notes will help you create a practical roadmap.

You can set up your Amazon Ads account through KDP. Your books can now be found in sponsored products. When someone searches for a book with your keywords, the product suggests your book as a similar product. This increases visibility and creates awareness about the book, often resulting in sales.

Post-Publication Management

After the book is published and ready for sale, you can still do many things to ensure it reaches as many readers as possible. Register for Amazon Look Inside. This allows potential buyers to peek through your book. This is a wonderful feature to give someone who is already curious more reasons to read your book. However, there is a downside. You can not choose the pages they see. Maybe they will find the best bits and decide against buying your book. But still it is a great feature as it encourages potential readers to click on your book to know more. If a buyer were to find your book on a shelf at a store, you would also have no control over which page they flip through. This virtual version is the same and serves similar purposes.

You can see all your books and author information on Amazon Central Page. It helps you create your own brand. Keep your information updated. Readers always appreciate an authentic author who has value to offer. You can also add an editorial review, which boosts the appeal. You can monitor your sales by tracking real-time data. You will have a clear understanding of which book promotion strategy is working and which one is not. You can alter your plan accordingly. Ask your readers to leave you reviews. The best practice is to ask people who have already read your other books.

Like social media, regular updates work wonders for even your books on KDP. You can tweak your biography, update information about the book, share pictures from events, and engage with your fans. It will help the book stay relevant. In short, keep the curiosity afresh.

Common Challenges and How to Overcome Them

As a self-published author, your work is not done even after publishing your book. You must monitor the sales and take the necessary steps to boost the book’s performance.

Low sale is a very common problem. You must change your book promotion strategy and examine what works and what doesn’t. Another obstacle can be receiving negative reviews, it can be heart-breaking. If the reviewer is misinformed, report it. If you receive a valid criticism, work on it. You can always learn from your mistakes and republish your book. If you believe in your work, it is best to ignore the bad ones and focus on the good ones.

After some time, you may find it harder to find your book with the original keywords. Keep updating and choosing the categories that best describe your book to garner attention.

If you face issues logging in or monitoring your author page, contact the KDP help centre. They also provide community support, giving you a forum where other authors discuss and share insights.

Amazon takes its content guidelines quite seriously. If they find any infringement, they will reject or remove your content. Your book should not violate any copyrights or trademarks. Amazon wants to know if the content is AI-generated or AI-assisted. You cannot publish any offensive content. Poor customer experience will negatively impact your book, and you must address the concern immediately. If your content deals with the public domain, abide by Amazon’s policy. Remember to stick to the rules so that your book does not face any consequences.

Self-publishing at StoryTerrace

Self-publishing is no easy feat, especially for the first-timers. Having published with Amazon, I can still see you struggling with marketing. No matter your situation, StoryTerrace's self-publishing packages can help. Our step-by-step guide lets you sell your book and create your desired impact. Our experts know how to optimise your book for online readers. From help managing your author dashboard to collecting royalties, you will find the support you need. The best thing is that you can do it all for your next book once you learn these skills from us.

For book promotion, you can avail yourself of our coaching services that give you an in-depth look at your book genre. You can expect to learn how to leverage reviews and other strategies that help you with successful book promotion. Our packages allow you to make your books available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Apple. We even offer ghostwriting services to help you polish your manuscript to its highest potential.

We offer three publishing packages:

Amazon Essential—This is for authors who want to sell on Amazon only and do not want too much marketing attention.

Amazon Plus—You can sell your book on Amazon and use our various techniques to gain the right exposure and increase your profit.

Multi-channel Distribution & Marketing—As the name suggests, our experts can help you sell across different platforms and support you with targeted book review mailing lists.

Contact us today to kickstart your journey into making your book a story to remember.

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“As kids, we didn't know why our parents made us walk together, it was only when we got to school that we saw the name-calling and the jokes, and realized that we were different and that we were going to have to learn to defend ourselves or just take it,” dasdas

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.

When other schools played us, it was a shock, especially because there were black kids in the chess team. He told us that it was a middle-class game, but that we need to take our working-class values, and work hard, strive hard, and not be intimidated. We did it.The hostility wasn't obvious, but I would be stared at by the students and the teachers.You could tell that it was the first time that some of them had even shaken a Black boy's hand.

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Has it been your dream to write a book or tell a story? It can be a reality all too soon. Today, we will tell you how to publish a book on Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) platform. Self-publishing a book has never been this easy. From manuscript to published book, Amazon’s KDP supports you in reaching a global audience. You can skip the complex and overwhelming process of traditional publishing. If you are unsure where to start, this guide will walk you through and give you plenty of self-publishing tips for authors.

Self-publish vs Traditional publish

Before we delve into the important question of how to publish with Amazon, a self-publishing option, let’s look at the alternative: traditional publishing. Imagine this: you have a written manuscript ready for publishing. You find a literary agent or approach the publisher directly. They take a look at your manuscript and immediately make an offer. A book editor is assigned while the PR and marketing team gets busy with launching the book. Your book is a roaring success; you make plenty of money from royalties. Though that would be the ideal scenario, it rarely happens, so we cannot stress much about the rare bit.

Literary agents and publishers are busy. They receive thousands of manuscripts, which can sometimes take them years to read. Your manuscript can get lost in the pile as you wait to hear back from them. Even if your book gets picked up by a big or small press, the hurdles are far from over. Traditional publishers keep their share in the royalty margin relatively high. You may lose your voice in marketing and launching your book as the publishers take over.

If you are not ready to face this uncertainty, you can take control with self-publishing. If you wish to publish your book online or even have it as a paperback, self-publishing gives you complete control. You can choose who publishes your book and when. Even though you can do the marketing and promotion of your book all by yourself, you still have the option of getting all the help you may need. If you choose Amazon KDP as your self-publishing partner, you can publish your book in as little as 24 to 72 hours.


Pros and cons of self-publishing on Amazon

Many authors are choosing KDP over traditional publishing. Kindle Direct Publishing has become very popular with authors. This growing popularity is attributed to several factors. Authors prefer to self-publish a book on Amazon because KDP is user-friendly. Enough resources and help are available to navigate the system, making it an easy choice. Self-publishing is a costly way of publishing your book. However, you can publish your book on Amazon for free. Irrespective of your financial condition, you can be a published author. You will also have the option of having only eBooks or paperback and eBooks. Thus, you get more flexibility in the type of book you want to create.

Unfortunately, Amazon’s KDP might not be the best option for all types of authors. Self-publishing on Amazon has some drawbacks. Many new authors do not want to wait for the 60-day payment window for their royalties.

Writing and publishing a book is not enough for it to sell. You will need help to let people know about your book. Amazon does not offer any built-in marketing support. Your book can only be reviewed by paid customers, so fewer people will review it, which may affect its popularity. If you publish an eBook with Amazon, the same book cannot be published on any other platform. This exclusivity can negatively impact book sales.

Nothing is perfect. True self-publishing with Amazon has its challenges, but there are many ways to overcome them. There are many services that can help you use Amazon for publishing and help you make the most out of it in your self-publishing journey.

Preparing the manuscript

The first and most important step to publishing is, of course, writing the story. After the draft is ready, it is crucial that you carefully read it. For additional support, you can hire a proofreader or an editor. Please be mindful of fonts, margins, and other such details when formatting. EPUB or MOBI make formatting easier. Other software to consider is Scrivener, Vellum, or Reedsy Book Editor. Books are mostly judged by their covers; hence, a clever design will positively impact buying decisions. Use design tools like Canva and Adobe or hire a specialist through Fiverr or Upwork.

After all the writing, editing, and cover design planning, get some feedback on your manuscript. Ask a friend or a family member, someone whom you trust, to give their honest opinion about your book. As a writer, you may fail to see certain shortcomings, but a reader will always find them. Reading your book will give you a clear idea of how it will be received. Implement the suggestions and see how you can improve the writing.

Setting Up and uploading your KDP Account

After all of the changes, your story is ready to be a published book. If you already have an Amazon account, you can use it to set up KDP. If you are new to Amazon, you can set up your account directly by clicking on KDP sign-up. You will need to fill out author, tax and payment-related information. Uploading a book is quite easy on Amazon KDP. You can watch Amazon KDP tutorials for an Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) guide if you struggle to upload.

Pricing and Royalties

You must be feeling the book writing process was easier than the next steps. They may not be very writer-friendly, but KDP does make it simple. Self-publishing on Amazon also involves setting the prices for your work. Considering certain factors when fixing your price may be a good idea. There are 35% or 70% options for royalties. Amazon has some rules for the latter one. You must give exclusive sales rights, and Amazon will set the price. If you have a print book, you can not set a price that does not meet your printing cost! Considering that and other factors like ink type, trim size, page count, and the marketplace for sale, KDP gives you a price. Use the KDP Printing cost and Royalty calculator to see the best price. In some marketplaces, an additional Value-Added Tax is required when setting a minimum price.

When setting a price, consider how your competitors are pricing. Do not be tempted to set a lower price, as books with lower pricing are often viewed as of lower value. If you hand over Amazon to sell your eBook exclusively, you may miss out on opportunities to reach a broader market. If you are unsure how to reach a greater audience, KDP Select can be a great option, as Amazon will recommend your books to potential buyers.

There are so many successful authors on KDP who have made significant profits. Jeff Carson, author of the best-selling David Wolf series, said, “I was able to quit my side job after publishing five books, and I continue to make a living by writing alone. I am frequently making best-seller lists with my main series, and each new book has done better than the last one.”

Did you know that self-published authors on Amazon make between $150 and $20,000 per month? Books published in series make the most for the authors as it works best.

Publishing and Book Launch

The wheels are set in motion. Your dream of becoming a published author is going to be a reality. Do not forget to preview your book using KDP’s preview tool. It gives you a glimpse of what the readers will receive when they purchase the book. Make a final check that all the requirements have been met. Once you hit the publish button, get ready for a launching strategy.

If you have an audience, you can contact them through a mailing list. You can share a few free copies and request reviews. Many authors choose a special day to commemorate their book launch. It can be an excellent opportunity to create excitement about the book. You can even throw a launch party for your friends and family. There are many ways to market your book effectively. The best way depends on you and your book.

The best thing about self-publishing with KDP is that Amazon offers specific promotion tools, like the KDP countdown tool. There are many resources on Amazon to help you promote your book. Leverage your social media presence to attract more buyers. Share about your experience and motivation for writing the book. If you already have a website, create space for an author bio. Talk about exciting details about the book. Engage with your readers and encourage them to share their reviews on social media.

Do you have a favourite book blogger or YouTuber? Why not reach out to them? Many influencers are willing to promote new talent. If your chosen influencer has many followers, your book can go viral. It is best to choose someone who is interested in your book genre. They should be genuinely interested in your book. There is nothing like an authentic presentation for organic growth. Discuss with the influencer how you can mutually benefit each other for a long collaboration. 

Look at other books in your genre. What is working for them? How can you incorporate that in your strategy? Asking many questions and taking notes will help you create a practical roadmap.

You can set up your Amazon Ads account through KDP. Your books can now be found in sponsored products. When someone searches for a book with your keywords, the product suggests your book as a similar product. This increases visibility and creates awareness about the book, often resulting in sales.

Post-Publication Management

After the book is published and ready for sale, you can still do many things to ensure it reaches as many readers as possible. Register for Amazon Look Inside. This allows potential buyers to peek through your book. This is a wonderful feature to give someone who is already curious more reasons to read your book. However, there is a downside. You can not choose the pages they see. Maybe they will find the best bits and decide against buying your book. But still it is a great feature as it encourages potential readers to click on your book to know more. If a buyer were to find your book on a shelf at a store, you would also have no control over which page they flip through. This virtual version is the same and serves similar purposes.

You can see all your books and author information on Amazon Central Page. It helps you create your own brand. Keep your information updated. Readers always appreciate an authentic author who has value to offer. You can also add an editorial review, which boosts the appeal. You can monitor your sales by tracking real-time data. You will have a clear understanding of which book promotion strategy is working and which one is not. You can alter your plan accordingly. Ask your readers to leave you reviews. The best practice is to ask people who have already read your other books.

Like social media, regular updates work wonders for even your books on KDP. You can tweak your biography, update information about the book, share pictures from events, and engage with your fans. It will help the book stay relevant. In short, keep the curiosity afresh.

Common Challenges and How to Overcome Them

As a self-published author, your work is not done even after publishing your book. You must monitor the sales and take the necessary steps to boost the book’s performance.

Low sale is a very common problem. You must change your book promotion strategy and examine what works and what doesn’t. Another obstacle can be receiving negative reviews, it can be heart-breaking. If the reviewer is misinformed, report it. If you receive a valid criticism, work on it. You can always learn from your mistakes and republish your book. If you believe in your work, it is best to ignore the bad ones and focus on the good ones.

After some time, you may find it harder to find your book with the original keywords. Keep updating and choosing the categories that best describe your book to garner attention.

If you face issues logging in or monitoring your author page, contact the KDP help centre. They also provide community support, giving you a forum where other authors discuss and share insights.

Amazon takes its content guidelines quite seriously. If they find any infringement, they will reject or remove your content. Your book should not violate any copyrights or trademarks. Amazon wants to know if the content is AI-generated or AI-assisted. You cannot publish any offensive content. Poor customer experience will negatively impact your book, and you must address the concern immediately. If your content deals with the public domain, abide by Amazon’s policy. Remember to stick to the rules so that your book does not face any consequences.

Self-publishing at StoryTerrace

Self-publishing is no easy feat, especially for the first-timers. Having published with Amazon, I can still see you struggling with marketing. No matter your situation, StoryTerrace's self-publishing packages can help. Our step-by-step guide lets you sell your book and create your desired impact. Our experts know how to optimise your book for online readers. From help managing your author dashboard to collecting royalties, you will find the support you need. The best thing is that you can do it all for your next book once you learn these skills from us.

For book promotion, you can avail yourself of our coaching services that give you an in-depth look at your book genre. You can expect to learn how to leverage reviews and other strategies that help you with successful book promotion. Our packages allow you to make your books available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Apple. We even offer ghostwriting services to help you polish your manuscript to its highest potential.

We offer three publishing packages:

Amazon Essential—This is for authors who want to sell on Amazon only and do not want too much marketing attention.

Amazon Plus—You can sell your book on Amazon and use our various techniques to gain the right exposure and increase your profit.

Multi-channel Distribution & Marketing—As the name suggests, our experts can help you sell across different platforms and support you with targeted book review mailing lists.

Contact us today to kickstart your journey into making your book a story to remember.

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It’s Time To Tell Your Story.

StoryTerrace is your personal storytelling partner — providing effortless biography writing, professional ghostwriting, and beautiful book publishing.
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A man in a white shirt is smiling.A book cover with a sunset and a tree.A book with a painting of a man walking down a road.A young boy smiling for the camera in front of a black and white photo.

Now Is The Time To Share Your Story

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