Junior Writer
New York City, NY, United States 🇺🇸

Pamela T.

Hire Writer


Pam is a writer from New York who takes inspiration from the experiences that took shape during her travels. Through these lenses, her style appears to be an unidentifiable speaker recounting the bigger picture found in the landscape of her writings. A graduate of Purchase College’s creative writing department, Pam does it all—fiction, poetry, and creative nonfiction. She worked as the nonfiction editor for Italics Mine and successfully solicited countless young voices to publish their creative works. She has an interview with a published poet in Italics Mine, along with an article about her travels. She is currently working on a book that details the experience she had while working on an off-grid farm in Hawaii while also collecting poems for a poetry collection of her own.

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As a Story Terrace writer, Pamela T. interviews customers and turns their life stories into books. Get to know them better by reading his autobiographical anecdote below

A Horse With No Name

I look over at the wild animal eating the grass of the field, a white horse with brown spots splattered around his body.

“What's his name?” I ask.

The caretaker replies with “Oreo.”

Did his labeller think those fur-colored variations resembled the childhood cookie everyone loved? The caretaker leaves me with this question and goes down the mountain to his home. Left alone to my own devices, I stare at the horse.

He’s too beautiful to be named Oreo—too beautiful to be given any name.

I walk around the perimeter of the farm, trying to ground myself in the area I am supposed to call home for the next few months. There is vegetation spilling at every opening of the earth—a whole society of life beyond what I can interpret. On the outskirts, there are ginger roots that are invasive to the area. Inside one of the tents, a machete lies on the table with a note that reads, "Please cut the ginger."

It's getting dark now as the setting sun hides behind the trees. Insects whine all around, creating a frequency of their own, and the silence becomes something I can hear. The light dims with the battery on the solar panel waning. I look at the stove and the food I bought for myself, searching for a point of reference that binds the familiar recipes. I am slowly realizing how alien this place is as I stare blankly at the wall.

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