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Liz R

Hire Writer


Liz started her journalistic career almost by accident. Having had a somewhat itinerant childhood that cost her significant chunks of her education, she abandoned school altogether at the age of 17 with no idea where her future lay. She’d always loved writing, so when she spotted an advert for a ‘cub’ reporter on her local newspaper she jumped at the chance – and the rest, as they say, is history. Over 50 years later, Liz is a ‘weel kent’ face within the Scottish media industry, with a wealth of experience as a news reporter, features writer, editor and public relations expert. Her own troubled childhood inspired her to join the Children’s Panel – Scotland’s unique system of juvenile justice – and she served for 25 years, often dealing with the most harrowing cases of abuse and neglect. During her long and varied career, Liz visited Kosovo while serving as PR person with the Black Watch Regiment, witnessing the horrific aftermath of the Balkans War, and even spent several years as editor of a caravan magazine, travelling the length and breadth of Scotland and beyond. Now semi-retired, Liz has four wonderful grandchildren and lives happily with her two rescue dogs (both of indeterminate parentage) near Loch Leven in Kinross-shire, famous for its links with Mary, Queen of Scots. She’s currently writing a book about life with her narcissistic mother; you can read part of its prologue below.

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As a Story Terrace writer, Liz R interviews customers and turns their life stories into books. Get to know them better by reading his autobiographical anecdote below

Granny’s Ashes

The day our mother died was a day of liberation.

For my sisters and me, 58, 50 and 46 years of misery respectively came to an end that warm July night. I made a few calls to people who might be vaguely interested in her demise, then sat in the garden, drank wine and had two fags. She was gone. We had missed the final moments. The old witch hung on until we’d left the hospice, then she died. Typical. Difficult to the end.

Of course, she wouldn’t have considered it to be a warm night. She had lived in Spain for 22 years but, at the age of 77, decided for the first time in her life that she wanted to ‘be with her family’, so spent the last two years of her life in Scotland, wrapped in numerous jumpers, dissatisfied with the whole world and, in particular, Gordon Brown.

She spent most of those two years on a sofa in which she insisted lived a mouse, hurling insults at the TV. She was never warm; she was never happy. Her teeth dropped out one by one and she seemed unconcerned. Her nails grew to an alarming length. She lived on a diet of sardines, choc ices and red wine. She was miserable, and it was all Gordon Brown’s fault.

Ironically, it was the sun that killed her. A carcinoma that she failed to have attended to eventually started eating away at her nose. She’d had an operation which left a cavernous hole, and sported an over-sized dressing until she was persuaded to have cosmetic surgery to fix it, a procedure carried out by a surgeon we nicknamed Dr Death because he had once managed to kill a patient while carrying out a routine nose job. We didn’t dare tell her that, of course. He was a dusky looking gentleman with a certain presence and she enjoyed flirting with him, seemingly oblivious to the fact that she only had half a nose and very few teeth. I imagine the 17 jumpers were a bit of a turn-off too.

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