Philadelphia, PA,

Jennifer L.

Hire Writer


Jennifer has been a professional writer since 2000, with the publication of her dark fantasy retelling of “Red Riding Hood.” Spanning four novels, four novellas, and dozens of short stories, her fiction has also been included in two Bram Stoker Award-nominated anthologies. She holds an MFA in Writing Popular Fiction with a concentration in horror and a PhD in Interdisciplinary Studies – Humanities and Culture, and teaches creative writing in SNHU’s MFA program. Jennifer lives in Philadelphia, where she enjoys drawing, reading, music, and video games—the latter so much that she wrote her dissertation about them.

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As a Story Terrace writer, Jennifer L. interviews customers and turns their life stories into books. Get to know them better by reading his autobiographical anecdote below

Where the Vampires Come From

Portrait of the writer as a strange child:

I used to watch every show on vampires and Dracula I could find. In the glory days of VHS, I’d tape them and rewatch them over and over again. This included reruns of the old In Search Of… show hosted by Leonard Nemoy. I remember seeing the monastery on Lake Snagov and the story of Vlad Dracula’s remains so many times, and hoping one day I could somehow get there. At that time, Romania was still behind the Iron Curtain, and I was a kid living on a reservation in the poorest part of New York State. Just one of my many dreams that would never come true. I didn’t care about going to Disneyland (I’ve still never been there) or places like that—I wanted to see where vampires came from.

Child-Jenn, dreams do come true sometimes, even if you have to wait until you’re 42.

At the end of 2017, my proposal was accepted for the academic portion of the International Vampire Film and Arts Festival held in Sighişoara, Romania, birthplace of Vlad the Impaler. My graduate alma mater, Seton Hill University, was a co-sponsor of the conference.

Bucharest bears many of the architectural scars of the old Soviet Union. Blocky gray buildings that are purely functional and almost aggressively ugly, especially between the airport and the city. In old Bucharest, you can see more of the Western European influence. The buildings there reminded me of slightly less ornamental versions of those in Paris. But perhaps most important is the restaurant named “Brutal Russian Pancakes.” What does this mean? What makes Russian pancakes brutal? I did not get the chance to find out.

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