The rain lashed against the windscreen as we made our way through the maze of London streets. Dad was taking me shopping for my birthday but before we could hit the shops he had a job to finish off.
We pulled into the car park of an old blue building with concrete steps leading down to the back door. When we entered it smelt as musty as it looked. Dad opened a door that led into a huge room. Against the wall was a large brown leather sofa with a small wooden coffee table to the side. Across the wooden floor was a large glass window and I could see through into the next room. Through the glass I could see lots of gizmos and gadgets and central to the room was a huge desk like no other, full of flashing lights, knobs, dials and faders. It was like something from a sci-fi film!
I wanted to get a closer look at the room behind the glass. As I made my way across the floor the door opened and in walked a man with black and blonde spiky hair. He said “Hello.” I was taken by surprise as I was not expecting anyone. Recognising his face I looked at him and smiled. He sat down on the sofa and picked up a newspaper from the coffee table. The door opened again and in came another man, followed by another and another. I began feeling very nervous. I suddenly found myself in a room with people whose music I listened to. I just stood in front of the glass window, my feet glued to the floor, my body frozen with nerves and my heart pounding in my chest with excitement.
Dad stuck his head around the door. “Come on,” he said, “Let’s go.” I desperately wanted to talk to the people in the room as I knew the opportunity would never come my way again. As we walked up the concrete steps towards the car more musicians were arriving. I asked Dad if he knew what was going on. “Yes,” he said. “They are recording ‘Feed the World’ today”. I nearly fell over! I asked if we could stay but Dad's job was done and he said we had to leave. It was any teenage dream to be in a room with some of the most iconic musical artists of the day. I was so disappointed that we could not stay so to make up for it that when we arrived at Oxford Street I spent on Dads credit card big time!