Sitting at my Keyboard
Sitting at the keyboard each morning, I love the fresh clean slate before me. The wonder of what will come to life on the screen excites me. As my fingers skip across the letters, I know that anything is possible. What an amazing gift, this place of comfort that I have arrived at in my life, the one which turns out not to be a place at all, but instead an awareness awakened inside of me.
I used to believe that I was working towards the moment of surety, a specific time and destination pre-determined for me at birth. Once I got there, I would know all the answers to life’s questions, including as-yet unasked ones of my future. I trusted that as I traveled through life, I was heading towards somewhere that each of us inevitably found. I thought that after I got there, I would know precisely what I was supposed to be doing and where to do it. I just knew there was an arrival point, a place and time where it all came to me, “OK, NOW I am a grownup. Now I have it all figured out.” I worked in various careers seeking that moment and although I garnered success and certainly wonderful friendships, it simply was not enough. I had stories to tell and I kept putting them off until I could find time.
Gratefully, today at my laptop as I write without judgment the words that will come to me, I have the opportunity to pass along some of the information gathered along the various career paths I have been afforded. What I have learned all along my journey is that there is no arrival point. There is no specific landing pad, but instead ever so many of them along the way. Perhaps that awareness has been the point all along.